Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Squirrel Therapy

easy. you go to the park and watch the baby squirrels. you feel better.

but today the baby squirrels are not out because the lawn was mowed and watered and a big machine dug out those little plugs of earth that look like goose poop. lots of ruckus on your rooftop makes you stay inside and hide. and reminds me that the reason i went to the park for squirrel therapy was to escape the dread fact that my home will soon be having evil-landlord-inspired pounding and drilling deconstruction/reconstruction of wooden staircase just outside my kitchen window where i attempt to write my next novel and though it will most likely be ignored and rejected i still treasure the hope of otherwise.

so no baby squirrels and no feeling better.

except then i saw a blind man tapping along. and how would i describe the honeysuckle flowers if he were to ask me. and i would ask him if he ever had sight. and i would say the flowers are small, one inch long, and they are white but then turn yellow and yellow is the color of warmth, of the sun, and lemons.


AngelStar said...

Tolle says if we create from stress we are only putting more stress into the world. i say screw him...

Corinna said...

beautiful. to no see honeysuckles and (i wonder if he could hear the) squirrels.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

May the squirrels return soon! And "screw Tolle" -- love it!

AngelStar said...

one day, previous to this post, i got so close to the baby squirrels i could hear them chewing grass!

by the way, to clarify, the squirrels have burrows in the ground, and the honeysuckle is blooming along the path beside their little homes...

Ralph said...

As you know I have a blind friend and it is indeed difficult to explain such beauty. I am so glad I popped into your blog today and happily surprised to see this post. I hope you are managing to survive the builder sn and the noise. Be as creative as you are . Thank you again .

AngelStar said...

Thank you my dear friend. many happy wanderings to you in Scotland...