Sunday, March 20, 2011

Zen Abstract or Pure Hell?

so, i got an abstract painting of mine, entitled "Zen Window," into a juried show! at the reception, i spot an older woman intently examining my work and bio, and whispering to her husband. wow! a possible sale?

so i sidle up behind them and mumble, "love it or hate it?"

'I don't understand it," she says, angrily, in a German accent.

"well, it's an abstract," i say, taken aback, "it's emotion, a feeling."

another woman walks by and says, "you painted this? it's beautiful!"

at this, critic woman actually rolls her eyes and makes a prune mouth! obviously she has never been near ZEN in her long life. yet me, silly me, still trying to be kind, explain that many artists move beyond the figural into abstract.

"I know," she spits out, "I'm an artist, I paint abstracts, and I never get into these shows." ah ha, so that's it. and, people pleaser that i am, ask gently if she ever comes to the museum gatherings where people share their work. "I did once. I didn't get anything out of it." oh well, nice to meet you, Ingrid," I say, and beat a hasty yet long past due retreat...

now why, flighty person that i am, could i have not been drawn, like a moth to a flame, to the woman who loved my work, rather than a moth drawn to...well...poo? another artistic mystery!
(and now, oops, i uploaded the wrong painting. and i don't know how to undo it. but at least it isn't abstract!)


AngelStar said...

and this is why we have wine, not whine, at art openings!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, LOL, I was wondering why the painting didn't match your writing! Everyone's a critic, eh?

Kay said...

did she get some cheese with that whine? to be honest..sometimes it is hard to go to a show you have been rejected from and try to figure out what the jurors were going for. Poor Ingrid..she needs to get over it and look at a lot of art and open her mind..but first she must know that she should still compete..a different show, a different juror..hopefully a different outcome for her. oh and now I would love to see the actual abstract! Because i was beginning to understand the poor woman's bitterness!!! I was looking for the abstract aspect too!!!

martinealison said...

On ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde et heureusement... Plaisons-nous à nous même déjà!
Gros bisous

Ralph said...

I am laughing love the post. You just click on the picture and then click on remove and put the other one in there. I want so much to see the abstract now. Is there something odd about us abstract painters. If I hear another person say to me, "I just like paintings that I know what they are." What they really mean is they like paintings that do not stretch the brain to the point of thinking.

Corinna said...

Bitterness is such an ugly accessory. She should try to find something more pleasing to adorn that old crotchety face.

AngelStar said...

thanks, all. now i can't find the painting in my files. so ironic that something entitled ZEN should prove such a elusive. i'm sure there is a lesson here...

Anonymous said...

That was mean of her:/

AngelStar said...

well, sad people are sometimes mean! but it was funny Ralph said, some people do not want to be forced to think, or feel, for that matter!

Cynthia said...

your painting puts me in a contemplative and
cozy mood.

AngelStar said...

you are all very kind, may colors and light and love be shown to you...

martinealison said...

Juste un petit coucou et un grand merci pour votre gentil commentaire... Je rentre à l'instant pour repartir bientôt!! Quelle vie !

AngelStar said...

merci, martine. bisous.