Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things Are Crazy Here

Dear Pen Pals,
By way of explaining my protracted absence: Things are crazy here. The computer has been slow as cement, the car has been dented by a palm tree, and the majority of my clothing has been shredded by the new kitten, Jesse Jack. (Seen here on a good day.)

In addition, we have head colds, sore throats, chills. The weather is rainy and the dog has pains. I put a family heirloom on ebay to pay the vet.

Meanwhile, I attempt to edit an old novel. Whether I'm making it better or worse is a question for the sages. I do hope your life is progressing more smoothly than mine, dear friends...

P.S. (i am completely innocent of all charges against me, says Jesse Jack)


AngelStar said...

honestly, my dears, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but it's just too depressing if we can't make light of things, eh?

and so much of life is wonderful...especially when one has a new kitten (rescued from the shelter of course!)

Fiona said...

Dear girl, I hope you can relax a bit and ride the waves. A little rescue pet makes it all just about bearable (my dog made me say that). Take care x

Ralph said...

I hope things are settling down and you are feeling better. Have a Very Happy New Year.

AngelStar said...

thank you my lovely friends Fiona and Ralph!

Ralph said...

I notice you have not posted since i last commented I hope you are feeling much better and thank you so much for your comment on my blog yesterday.

Geraldine said...

take care...