Saturday, October 2, 2010

Writing Assignment to Break Writer's Block


just write;
"i don't want to write about__________"
then let it rip. (free write...)

every time you bog down, write:
"and i certainly don't want to write about____________
and i would hate to write about_______
and i will NEVER write about________

scary, huh?
but way cool results, really.

what don't you want to write about?


AngelStar said...

i don't want to write about snot, or dead trees
i don't want to write about menopause
i certainly don't want to write about murder
and i will never write about my father
and i hate writing about fear

i was brave, now you be brave! love, angelstar

martinealison said...

Je ne veux pas écrire sur moi, mais seulement peindre mon ressenti...
Je ne veux pas écrire sur hier, mais sur demain...
Je veux écrire je t'aime à mes enfants...
Bisous à vous,

AngelStar said...

merci, martine

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Interesting! I'm torn. The things I *don't* want to write about (my life story, my mother, my father, the abuse I suffered) are also things I *do* want to write about. Some things I would never write about would be anything that I consider gratuitously gross, such as the first thing you don't want to write about! (((hugs)))

AngelStar said...

yes dark moon, and tho mine was short above, this excercise can inspire page after page of gutsy, intuitive work

Ralph said...

My trouble is summed up in these words if you change it to paint rather than write.

AngelStar said...

then, ralph, what don't you want to paint
and what wants to paint you??
welcome back
love, angelstar